Mobile App Downloads

Note: You need to download and install the PC software before running the mobile software


Release date: 03 November, 2015 | Version: 3.8.3 stable

Get it on Google Play

To install the app from your device open Google play and search for Vectir Remote Control. It is in the tools category. Do not install the Bluetooth or WiFi remote control variants. They are only supported for backward compatibility and will not be updated.

Windows Phone 8

Release date: 03 November, 2015 | Version: 3.8.3 stable

Download from Windows Store

To install the app from your device open Windows Store and search for Vectir Remote Control. It is in the tools + productivity category.

BlackBerry 10

Release date: 27 June, 2014 | Version: 3.5.0 stable

Vectir Remote Control on BlackBerry World

To install the app from your device open BlackBerry World and search for Vectir Remote Control. It is in the Utilities category.

Amazon Kindle

Release date: 24 June, 2014 | Version: 3.7.6 stable

Vectir Remote Control on Amazon

To install the app from your Kindle the Amazon App Store and search for Vectir Remote Control. It is in the Utilities category.

WiFi Remote Control

mobile wifi remote control

WiFi client for J2ME and Blackberry phones.

Bluetooth Remote Control

mobile bluetooth remote control

Bluetooth client for J2ME and Blackberry phones.